

Buddhist Jewelry

Mindfulness is being aware of what you do. You should pay attention to the things that you do. If you want to be mindful, you need to indulge yourself in practicing Yoga or mediation. You can practice meditation with meditation beads.

Ways To Be More Mindful


According to Psychology Today, meditation is the practice of turning one’s attention to a single point of reference. It can involve focusing on the breath, on body sensations, or on a word or phrase known as a mantra.

Tips to Make Home Meditation Space


Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware or awake to our lives at this very moment. Practicing mindfulness makes us pay full attention to whatever we are doing at any point in time and it helps us to see the things that we do on a daily basis or the things that we do in a habitual manner in a new light.

Tips For Practicing Mindful Eating


A Mala, also referred to as mala beads or Buddhist prayer beads, is a string of beads that are used for meditation. It is a traditional tool for counting the number of times a mantra is counted, breaths while meditating, counting repetitions or the repetition of Buddha’s name.

Ways to Wear 108 Malas


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